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Arthrograms & Fluoroscopic Guided Injections
An arthrogram is the injection of a contrast agent or radiology dye into the problem joint. This examination provides additional detail regarding the interior of the joint and a series ofX-ray images can be taken. You are taken to a changing area where lockers are provided for your belongings. After changing into a exam gown or robe, you are taken to the radiology procedure room. The radiologist will explain the procedure, answer any questions, and have you sign a consent form. Your skin will be cleansed with an antiseptic and the area will be numbed with a local anesthetic. A needle will be placed in the joint space guided by an X-ray machine. With the needle in the correct place, the contrast dye is injected. A number of X-ray images will be taken and you may be asked to move the affected joint. This part of the procedure will take up to 30 minutes.

A fluoroscopic guided injection involves injecting medicine directly into the joint. It is used primarily for therapeutic reasons combining a corticosteroid and numbing agentThese injections can help diagnose the source of pain, as well as alleviate the discomfort.
Similar to an Arthrogram, You will be brought to a radiology procedure room. You will be asked to change into an exam gown and robe. Here the physician will explain the procedure and answer any remaining questions. You will be asked to lie on your back on the x-ray table. The area will be well-prepped and cleansed for the procedure. The physician numbs a small area of skin with an anesthetic (numbing medication). After the area is numb the physician uses x-ray guidance (fluoroscopy) to direct a very small needle into the joint. The fluoroscope is an x-ray machine that allows the physician to see an x-ray image while performing the injection. Once the correct position is confirmed, the anesthetic and steroid will be injected, and the needle is removed.AFTER THE INJECTION
You may be asked to remain resting on the table and then asked to move the area of usual discomfort to try to provoke the usual pain. On occasion, you may feel numb or experience a slight weak or odd feeling in your leg for a few hours after your injection, this feeling will diminish once the numbing medication begins to wear off.
The medical assistant will get you up and moving and take you back to the locker area and ask you to wait 10 minutes in the waiting room before proceeding out. It may be helpful for you to track your pain over the next few weeks to discuss at your next visit.
If the area is uncomfortable within the first two to three days after the injection, apply an ice or cold pack to the general area of the injection site. This may provide pain relief and be more beneficial than applying heat.
On the day after your injection, you may return to your regular activities.